Friday, October 11, 2013

Grain Brain

Product DetailsPlease, if you are still under the misconception that whole grain cereal, skim milk, and sliced banana is a healthy breakfast, then grab your Kindle/Nook and read this book---the latest in a string by renowned MD's showing unequivocally that our "food pyramid" is so unhealthy.  Nothing new for those familiar with the Paleolithic diet but good research and recipes.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Workplace Ergonomics

Ergonomics- the science of fitting workplace conditions and job demands to employee capabilities.

When working at a desk, try these suggestions for greater comfort:
1.  Choose a desk that is the proper height for your body.  All items on your desk should be within easy reach.
2.  Your feet should be touching the floor with the legs and body forming an angle of 90-110 degrees.
3.  Keep your body straight with the head and neck upright and looking forward, not to the side.  Do not hunch over or slouch.
4.  Adjust the height of your monitor.  Look forward with your head in a neutral position.  Your eyes should be at the same height as the top of the monitor.  Leaning your head forward can lead to headaches and neck pain.
5.  When typing, keep your wrists straight, your shoulders perpendicular to the floor, and your forearms parallel to the floor.
6.  When reading at your desk, use a book stand or a paper holder to keep your eyes in the same neutral position you use to read documents on your computer monitor.
7.  When talking on the phone-especially if you talk on the phone for prolonged periods, holding the phone between your shoulder and your cheek will only lead to neck pain and headaches.
8.  Stand up and stretch your legs with a short walk about every 20 to 30 minutes.
9.  Take micro-breaks often, stretching your neck, arms and wrists, back and legs.  Simple stretches include neck rotations, fist clenches, arm dangles and shoulder shrugs.
10.  If your eyes must concentrate on a particular object for long periods, relax your eye muscles by shifting your focus from objects close to you to objects that are farther away.  This helps to reduce eye strain.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Our T.O.V.A. score results.

Testing Of Variables of Attention (or T.O.V.A.) is a diagnostic test used by Whole Child Wellness, and many child behavioral practitioners to test variables of attention.  Taken pre- and post- treatment, it measures the speed and accuracy of response to a 21 minute computer task.
The task is pretty boring (trust me on this one) and requires a degree of maintained focus and concentration to complete.  For kids with ADHD, it provides insight as to how well a treatment is working to control attentiveness and impulsivity.
A post treatment T.O.V.A. score improvement of 0.5 confirms that a drug therapy has been effective in the treatment of ADHD.  Post treatment testing of children in the Whole Child Wellness program has shown T.O.V.A. score improvement at 2.0!  This is solid evidence on the effectiveness of our program, and its ability to improve the way an ADHD brain functions.  No medication needed!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Visit us on Face book and win!

Visit Flemming Chiropractic on Facebook and answer the question "What is the difference between traditional treatment of ADHD and chiropractic treatment of ADHD?", and you will be entered to win 2 VIP tickets and back stage passes to see Sanctus Real, christian pop rock concert on February 22nd at Temple Baptist Church. 

Don't forget to "like" us so you will get our latest news and information!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

It's Coats For Kids time!

Every year we look forward to our collection time for Coats for Kids!  We have always had such wonderful support from our patients and the community, and hope that this year will be as big a success as the previous 17 years.  There have been hundreds of needy local children over the years who have been treated to a brand new coat at Christmastime, and have benefited from it's use for many months after. 

So far, we have received the names of 104 needy children from the Craven County Foster Care Program.  The coats are slowly coming in, and many children are still waiting to be matched to their brand new Christmas coat! Thank you to everyone for your support and a very Happy Holiday to all!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

A pain in the neck!

Many of our patients have been on the move visiting relatives, attending graduations, or spending time at the beach, and have come back with an unwelcome souvenir--neck pain and headaches!
Neck pain commonly flares up with extended travel and can make an otherwise pleasant trip uncomfortable.  Click on the video link below to get some tips to prevent these aches and pains from ruining your next vacation.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Ask us about the three phases of care!

Whole Child Wellness treatment program for ADHD has undergone some changes. We have worked hard to make the program easier to follow and more affordable for our patients. 

There are now three phases of treatment.  Each phase is performed in order and independently of the other, and each one must be completed prior to moving on to the next phase.  Each phase is charged separate from the other, making it easier to afford.

 If good results are achieved and symptoms are resolved upon completion of the first phase of treatment, there is no need for the patient to move on to the second phase of treatment.  If the desired results are not achieved after phase one, the patient may then decide to progress on to phase two of the program.  This process is continued until the desired results are achieved or upon completion of phase three of the program. 

Our hope is that these changes will make this wonderful, life changing program, more accessible to those who truly need it.  If you have any questions or would like to receive more information, please feel free to contact us at 252-638-2215, email us at or log on to .